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Everyday is a new day and this session keeps you on track and gives the encouragement that you need. It's great for when you're trying to create new habits (or change old ones!) or if you have a tendency of being hard on yourself.
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Do you punish yourself or put yourself in compromising situations? Or if you've ever caught yourself wondering why someone would help or love you, or simply saying to yourself I don't deserve ____, then this download is for you!
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We all need a bit of guidance sometimes. This download leads into that part of you that can get you the answers that you seek and the help that you need. It's on sale because we all need a little help sometimes. :)
$10.95 $15.95
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This download helps you get all the negative thoughts out of your head. You'll stop being shy, feeling shameful and/or embarrassed and be able to express yourself easily. You'll be confident talking dirty! lol And feel super sexy doing it. :)
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If you like yourself, everything in your life will be better, easier and more manageable. You'll be able to believe in, trust, and count on yourself. If you have trouble accepting yourself or talk badly to or about yourself, this may be perfect for you.
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This download reminds you why you're choosing a sober life, has you focus on everything you enjoy and is a great addition to any program you're doing.
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You can use these as a screensaver, on or in your social media postings, as a slide show or print them and put them everywhere!
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This download helps you to change your thinking about yourself, increase your patience and learn how to say kind, supportive and encouraging things to yourself. This is the download that trains you to shift self-talk into life affirming actions. Enjoy!
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This download focus on the health of your body and to help you build a good, solid foundation of well-being. This is the only one you get. Take care of it and you'll find that your Body will help take care of you.
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You can use these as a screensaver, on or in your social media postings, as a slide show or print them and put them everywhere!
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Sometimes we get stuck or someone we know and love find themselves in a situation that we don't know how to 'get back out' into the world. If you or anyone you know has isolated themselves and don't know how to change it, this download is made for you.
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We have a plethora of journals, workbooks, eBooks & manuals that complement and accompany all of the downloads.
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The Newsletter Living Lightly is designed to do just that… to remind us to live in a Light state of mind; to enjoy our lives and take things lightly. It's made to brighten your day~to prompt those enlightened moments. *Add to Cart at Checkout
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This is a courtesy Hypnosis Download for Regularly Scheduled Hypnotherapy Clients. Have your journal next to you when you listen to it. Expect to channel. And bring your notes with you when you come in. You may listen to this as often as you wish.
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This is a fabulous set that helps you notice all of the changes that your downloads are making in your life. You'll crave listening to the ones you need, have positive expectations, adjust to all of the changes you're making easily and allow your life to
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It's okay to focus on one thing at a time. If you have trouble focusing on one thing at a time or feel pressured to multitask, this session will help you tremendously. You'll relax and focus only on what you need to.
$3.95 $20.95
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This download puts your body to sleep. Use it when you're going to bed. It's for people who are in pain ~ mentally, emotionally and/or physically.
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We've all been there... Really. Negative thoughts are negative thoughts.This stops the replaying of the negative outcome, situation and/or the fear of it happening again. This download gets your head out of the way and gets you back in your body.
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Eek! It's been too long!!! This download helps you to eliminate negative expectations and/or worries. This is good for men and/or women. If it's been awhile (same person or a different one) and you're nervous at all, this is fabulous.
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Sometimes we just need to hear ourselves say it's time to sleep; to reinforce that everything is okay and give ourselves permission to let go. You'll be amazed how quickly and easily this puts you to sleep.
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You can use these as a screensaver, on or in your social media postings, as a slide show or print them and put them everywhere!
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You can use these as a screensaver, on or in your social media postings, as a slide show or print them and put them everywhere!
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This 28 page eBook walks you through how to best use your all of your positive affirmations and your diary pages. Happy Thinking! f
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This complimentary audio session accompanies [reinforces and helps you with] your affirmation and diary entries and exercises. Only download and listen to this if you're using the affirmation diary sets. Enjoy!
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Please enjoy this complimentary download set. It's made specifically for those of you whom love using hypnosis to change your life! Happy Creating!
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